Hi Aye Min OO, so the PostNode is already a table, sure we can change the story node into ASScrollNode or use ASCollectionNode, but you can’t put 2 node/view that scrolls(table, collection or scrollnode)(with same scroll anchor), because then they can’t calculate their own height.
if you need to do 2 or more scrolling view inside 1 hierarchy view, you need to calculate manual inset on both view, something called nested scroll view like this one https://sexyswift.wordpress.com/2016/08/25/swift-parallax-scrolling-with-header-sticking-at-top-nested-uiscrollview/
the concept is basically, you need to managed where scroll view that being scroll, if one scroll view have been scroll to bottom of its content view, then you need to programatically continue the scroll to other scroll view.
is that make sense ?